Thursday, June 26, 2008

I love being an auntie!

I love my nephews. How could this happen? I'm an only child!!!!

Since I was 2 years old, I have been blessed with the friendship and love of Kristy. A gal who has been my friend no matter how we disagree on politics, how I forget to call (or how she forgets to call), no matter how selfish I am. And in the past few years, I have been given honorary "aunty" status for her first son Mark. I love that little boy. He has the sweetest soul I've ever known. It makes me cry inside every time he yells excitedly "Auntie Dawn!" when I arrive at their home, as he runs up to me and throws his arms around me. This kid has no idea how flawed I am and doesn't care. He just loves me. And I love him.

This month, my auntie status doubled and I gained a godson. On June 4 Ethan Philip Carlson was born in a birthing tub in his living room, surrounded by his daddy, Auntie Erin, two midwives, one doula, and Auntie Dawn weeping for joy.

Ethan is beautiful. His mommy (my Kristy) was the most powerful, amazing woman I've ever witnessed. Who knew that 30 years after my mother dragged a 2-year-old me down the street to meet the Anderson girls, because I needed someone to play with, I would be included in the most beautiful and terrifying experience with those same girls, witnessing the emergence of the next generation.

Not sure what to do with myself. Hopefully I'll be a good auntie and godmother.

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