Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Fresh Start

Today I put "The Red Tail" in the mail to Sundance.

I had to pause for a moment to shake my head. 3 years of passion and sacrifice. That's not to say the journey is over with "The Red Tail", but today was definately a watershed. After taking an 8 hour nap (I also am suffering from a nasty cold that drains my energy) I lay in bed contemplating, what next? Here's the list I came up with:
- Get back into Yoga
- Clean the house
- Pet the cats
- Catch up with all the friends I've put on the back burner for 3 years . . . if they'll still have me.
- Reassess life . . .

As I put the DVD into the Fed Ex envelope, it was as though my brain opened up. Possibilities for the future (little and big) stretched their legs and made themselves known again. They were all curled up in the recesses of my mind, on hold until this moment. Even as I sit here typing more emerge to say hello. It was as though my mind was protecting "The Red Tail" from these dormant dreams, knowing that if any of them took hold, the project would suffer. This may sound like I resent "The Red Tail", which is not the case. These films start as a little whisper in my head that wont allow me to sleep and demand attention. Then the hard work begins. And then one magical day (for "The Red Tail" this was June of 2007) they take on a life of their own. They suddenly become bigger than I ever imagined, serendipedous things begin occurring which makes me realize that this is no longer my little project, but a fully realized entity that has hired me as its midwife to get it through the birthing process.

So now what? I think I'll make dinner and marinade in these new possibilities and inspirations. My life is mine again.